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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กระเส่า " คือ ...

Thai : กระเส่า (kras̄èā)
Chinese : 颤声 (chàn shēng)

English : shiver
     Simplified Chinese : [vi]. 颤抖[n].战栗,寒颤
     Traditional Chinese : [vi]. 顫抖[n].戰栗,寒顫

Example :: shiver

Chinese : 哈,先生们,还需要我说给你们听吗? 你们自己肯定也晓得,一个人到这种时候会发抖,一半是因为害怕,一半是因为快乐。
English : Ha, messieurs, need I describe to you—forcément, you know it yourselves—that shiver, half of terror and half of joy, that goes through one at these moments?

Chinese : 但起码海盗们会下意识的喊出"shiver me timbers" 吧?
English : But surely some pirates were at least prone to impromptu cries of "shiver me timbers?"

Chinese : 一股突然刮来的冷风吹得我打哆嗦。
English : A sudden gust of cold wind made me shiver.

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