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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ข้างทาง " คือ ...

Thai : ข้างทาง (k̄ĥāng thāng)
Chinese : 一路走来 (yīlù zǒu lái)

English : sideways
     Simplified Chinese : ad. 向傍边;斜地里;向侧面地
     Traditional Chinese : ad. 向傍邊;斜地裡;向側面地

Example :: sideways

Chinese : 网页翻页的速度和台式电脑并无差别,而且你也用不着放大或滚动到侧面去观看网页的内容。
English : Pages snap into view as fast as they would on a desktop, and you rarely have to zoom out or scroll sideways to view their content.

Chinese : 弗兰西斯科外号“安哥拉惊悚嘴”,他可以将整个饮料罐横向塞进嘴里。
English : Known as the Angolan Jaw of Awe, he can fit a whole can of pop in his mouth sideways.

Chinese : 抓脚跟:侧立在墙边,一只手扶着墙,另外一只手向下抓住你的脚踝,然后将脚后跟提向你的臀部,这个方式可以很好拉伸你的股四头肌。
English : HEEL HOLD: Stand sideways to the wall, one hand against it for support. Reach down with the other hand and grasp your ankle, pulling the heel of one leg up against your butt.

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