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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " แช่น้ำ " คือ ...

Thai : แช่น้ำ (chæ̀ n̂ả)
Chinese : 浸泡 (jìnpào)

English : soak
     Simplified Chinese : [vt]. 浸湿,湿透;浸泡;吸收,吸入 [vi]. 浸泡;渗透[n].浸泡;浸泡液
     Traditional Chinese : [vt]. 浸濕,濕透;浸泡;吸收,吸入 [vi]. 浸泡;滲透[n].浸泡;浸泡液

Example :: soak

Chinese : 血流得太多,渗透了我的平脚短裤。
English : There was so much blood it had soaked through my boxer shorts

Chinese : 冲洗几分钟,然后让它在冷水中浸泡你再决定接下来怎么做,而不要让污渍干燥。
English : Rinse for several minutes and then let it soak in cold water while you decide how to proceed.

Chinese : 要删除角质层,您的指甲浸泡在温水3分钟或更少。
English : To remove cuticle, soak your nail in warm water for3 minutes or less.

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