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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ถุงเท้า " คือ ...

Thai : ถุงเท้า (t̄hungthêā)
Chinese : 袜子 (wàzi)

English : sock
     Simplified Chinese : ((复)socks或SOX) [n].短袜
     Traditional Chinese : ((復)socks或SOX) [n].短襪

Example :: sock

Chinese : 但如果你想挑战它,可以考虑去挑选一双与凉鞋颜色相同或同一色系的短袜,使得这身打扮更加天衣无缝。
English : But if you’re going to brave it, consider selecting a sock in a matching or near-matching color to your sandal for a more seamless look.

Chinese : 正如你认识到的,他意识到自己是这个疯子的傀儡。
English : He realises, you sense, that he's the sock puppet of a maniac.

Chinese : 我昨天买了一对新短袜。
English : I bought a new pair of sock yesterday.

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