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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ความสันโดษ " คือ ...

Thai : ความสันโดษ (khwām s̄ạndos̄ʹ)
Chinese : 隐居 (yǐnjū)

English : solitude
     Simplified Chinese : [n]. 孤独,寂寞;与外界隔绝;荒凉地
     Traditional Chinese : [n]. 孤獨,寂寞;與外界隔絕;荒涼地

Example :: solitude

Chinese : 我的心灵求之若渴的,就是这种独处的自由境地;它会与其幻想独处,犹如造物主苦思冥想他自己的天地万物。
English : This freedom of solitude is what my mind is fretting for; it would be alone with its imaginings, as the Creator broods over His own creation.

Chinese : 但是就在我为这种孤独而欢欣鼓舞的同时,却感觉到一种奇怪的匮乏。
English : And yet even while I was exulting in my solitude I became aware of a strange lack.

Chinese : 但是电话的背后却有一个引人入胜的故事,可以题名为“征服孤寂”。
English : But the telephone has a fascinating story behind it, one that could be entitled. "The Conquest of Solitude.

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