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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " อุปกรณ์การเขียน " คือ ...

Thai : อุปกรณ์การเขียน (xupkrṇ̒ kār k̄heīyn)
Chinese : 写入设备 (xiě rù shèbèi)

English : stationery
     Simplified Chinese : 文具
     Traditional Chinese : 文具

Example :: stationery

Chinese : 我十分希望那些我在文具店、卡片店和书店看到的记事本都有相近的用途。
English : I very much hope these notebooks I see in stationery stores, card shops, and bookstores are serving similar purposes.

Chinese : 冒着听起来像文具品牌的拥护者,夏皮笔是理想选择,同时这些富有喜感的便条不仅便宜也更好用,很少有能替代的粘贴品了。
English : At the risk of sounding like a stationery brand whore, Sharpies are ideal, and these comedy-sized Post-Its do the job far better than cheaper, less sticky alternatives.

Chinese : 我则会关注一些了解很酷的工艺项目的人以及有关艺术家出售文具等用品的链接。
English : I follow people who often are good sources of cool craft projects, links to artists selling stationery and the like.

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