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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ตั่ง " คือ ...

Thai : ตั่ง (tạ̀ng)
Chinese : 凳子 (dèngzǐ)

English : stool
     Simplified Chinese : 粪便;屎
     Traditional Chinese : 糞便;屎

Example :: stool

Chinese : 我希望通过说出这些事情,社会能有些进步“拖着一双塑料拖鞋,坐在木凳子上的徐说道。
English : “I hope by exposing this, society will progress,” he said, sitting on a low stool, feet clad in blue plastic sandals.

Chinese : 我的嘴噘得有一英里长,到地下室去拿那个脏兮兮的旧凳子。
English : With my lip sticking out a mile, I went to the basement to get the filthy old stool.

Chinese : 血吸虫病的诊断方法是,检测粪便或尿液标本中寄生虫卵。
English : Schistosomiasis is diagnosed through the detection of parasite eggs in stool or urine specimens.

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