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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ดิ้นรนขวนขวาย " คือ ...

Thai : ดิ้นรนขวนขวาย (dînrn k̄hwnk̄hwāy)
Chinese : 斗争 (dòuzhēng)

English : struggle
     Simplified Chinese : 斗争
     Traditional Chinese : 鬥爭

Example :: struggle

Chinese : 今年,蝎子们的在奋斗的路上不会孤单,而且应该对人们有更多的信任和信念——这是送给那些在过去经历过许多问题的人的。
English : This year, Scorpios are not alone in their struggle, and should have more trust and faith in people - this is for those who have witnessed many problems in the past.

Chinese : 他说:“我相信世界上每一种斗争都是我们的责任。
English : I believe that any struggle in this world is our responsibility.

Chinese : 斗争进一步激化。
English : The struggle became more acute.

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