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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " จรรโลง " คือ ...

Thai : จรรโลง (crrlong)
Chinese : 支持 (zhīchí)

English : sustain
     Simplified Chinese : 支持,经受
     Traditional Chinese : 支持,經受

Example :: sustain

Chinese : 这是阿富汗政府的责任,它必须加强自己的能力来保护自己的人民,它必须走出受战争影响而形成的经济,发展出可以维持长久和平的经济。
English : That is the responsibility of the Afghan government, which must step up its ability to protect its people, and move from an economy shaped by war to one that can sustain a lasting peace.

Chinese : 为了制造和维持这种增长,人们必须要消耗巨大的能量。
English : To produce and sustain this growth, they must expend vast amounts of energy.

Chinese : 最佳政体的公民,据他所说,如果有义务上的需要,必需要能承担战争,但目的必需仅限于为了和平与安逸。
English : The citizen of the best regime he says must be able to sustain war if duty requires but only for the sake of peace and leisure.

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