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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " การซื้อขาย " คือ ...

Thai : การซื้อขาย (kār sụ̄̂xk̄hāy)
Chinese : 处理 (chǔlǐ)

English : trading
     Simplified Chinese : 交易;买卖
     Traditional Chinese : 交易;買賣

Example :: trading

Chinese : 他喜欢股票,习惯于买进卖出它的股份。
English : He likes the stocks and he is accustomed to trading in and out of its shares.

Chinese : 在盘后交易当中,股价估计又上涨了30点或更多。
English : In after-hours trading, shares surged by another estimated 30 points or more.

Chinese : 英国的贸易利润固定在4,000万英镑。
English : UK trading profits were pegged at £ 40 million

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