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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ล้อ " คือ ...

Thai : ล้อ (l̂x)
Chinese : 轮 (lún)

English : wheel
     Simplified Chinese : ①轮 ②旋转

Example :: wheel

Chinese : 控制系统对车辆的每个车轮的转速进行采样(每秒最多 20 次)并控制每个制动器的压力(防止它锁死)。
English : This control system samples the speed of each wheel on a vehicle and controls each brake's pressure (to stop it from locking up) at up to 20 times per second.

Chinese : 当一个广告将一个奢侈的水箱描述为“自轮子以来最伟大的发明”时,公平地说,我们已经开始将我们圆形,负重的伙伴看得太习以为常了。
English : It’s fair to say that when an advertisement describes a septic tank as “the best invention since the wheel, ” we’ve begun to take our round, load-bearing companion for granted.

Chinese : 尽管我并没有将其应用在这个程序之中,但是在细节面板的左侧有一个区域(绿色区域)显示了每个轮子所做出的旋转。
English : Although I don't use it in this program, there is a section (green) on the left side of the details that show the number of rotations each wheel makes.

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