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System.Web.Security (system.web.dll)sealed class

This class wraps information from the Passport user profile. For example, you can retrieve the 64-bit Passport User ID (PUID) from the Name property, along with information about how long the user has been signed in (TimeSinceSignIn), how old the current ticket is (TicketAge), and whether the password is currently saved on the user's Passport login page (HasSavedPassword). Additionally, you can get information about any error associated with the current ticket (Error), although you must compare the number to values in the Passport documentation, as no enumeration is currently supplied. Other information from the Passport profile (including everything from the user's birth date to the user's language preference) is available through the Item name/value collection. For information on valid attribute names, consult the Passport documentation.

The PassportIdentity class also provides several methods, many of which are shared and available without a PassportIdentity instance (such as those used for encryption and compression). You can use LoginUser( ) to redirect a user to the Passport sign-in page or initiate a Passport-aware client authentication exchange. You can also use SignOut( ) to end the user's session.

Note that you can pass -1 to any Passport method in place of an optional integer parameter. This indicates that Passport should use the default value from the registry and is equivalent to omitting optional parameters.

public sealed class PassportIdentity : System.Security.Principal.IIdentity {
// Public Constructors
   public PassportIdentity( );
// Public Instance Properties
   public string AuthenticationType{get; }          // implements System.Security.Principal.IIdentity
   public int Error{get; }
   public bool GetFromNetworkServer{get; }
   public bool HasSavedPassword{get; }
   public bool HasTicket{get; }
   public string HexPUID{get; }
   public bool IsAuthenticated{get; }               // implements System.Security.Principal.IIdentity
   public string Name{get; }                        // implements System.Security.Principal.IIdentity
   public string this[string strProfileName]{get; }
   public int TicketAge{get; }
   public int TimeSinceSignIn{get; }
// Public Static Methods
   public static string Compress(string strData);
   public static bool CryptIsValid( );
   public static int CryptPutHost(string strHost);
   public static int CryptPutSite(string strSite);
   public static string Decompress(string strData);
   public static string Decrypt(string strData);
   public static string Encrypt(string strData);
   public static void SignOut(string strSignOutDotGifFileName);
// Public Instance Methods
   public string AuthUrl( );
   public string AuthUrl(string strReturnUrl);
   public string AuthUrl(string strReturnUrl, int iTimeWindow, bool fForceLogin, 
        string strCoBrandedArgs, int iLangID,
        string strNameSpace, int iKPP, bool bUseSecureAuth);
   public string AuthUrl(string strReturnUrl, int iTimeWindow, int iForceLogin, 
        string strCoBrandedArgs, int iLangID, 
        string strNameSpace, int iKPP, int iUseSecureAuth);
   public string AuthUrl2( );
   public string AuthUrl2(string strReturnUrl);
   public string AuthUrl2(string strReturnUrl, int iTimeWindow, bool fForceLogin, 
        string strCoBrandedArgs, int iLangID, 
        string strNameSpace, int iKPP, bool bUseSecureAuth);
   public string AuthUrl2(string strReturnUrl, int iTimeWindow, int iForceLogin, 
        string strCoBrandedArgs, int iLangID, 
        string strNameSpace, int iKPP, int iUseSecureAuth);
   public object GetCurrentConfig(string strAttribute);
   public string GetDomainAttribute(string strAttribute, int iLCID, string strDomain);
   public string GetDomainFromMemberName(string strMemberName);
   public bool GetIsAuthenticated(int iTimeWindow, bool bForceLogin, bool bCheckSecure);
   public bool GetIsAuthenticated(int iTimeWindow, int iForceLogin, int iCheckSecure);
   public string GetLoginChallenge( );
   public string GetLoginChallenge(string strReturnUrl);
   public string GetLoginChallenge(string szRetURL, int iTimeWindow, int fForceLogin, 
        string szCOBrandArgs, int iLangID,
        string strNameSpace, int iKPP, int iUseSecureAuth, object oExtraParams);
   public object GetOption(string strOpt);
   public object GetProfileObject(string strProfileName);
   public bool HasFlag(int iFlagMask);
   public bool HasProfile(string strProfile);
   public bool HaveConsent(bool bNeedFullConsent, bool bNeedBirthdate);
   public int LoginUser( );
   public int LoginUser(string strReturnUrl);
   public int LoginUser(string szRetURL, int iTimeWindow, bool fForceLogin, 
        string szCOBrandArgs, int iLangID, 
        string strNameSpace, int iKPP, bool fUseSecureAuth, object oExtraParams);
   public int LoginUser(string szRetURL, int iTimeWindow, int fForceLogin, 
        string szCOBrandArgs, int iLangID, 
        string strNameSpace, int iKPP, int iUseSecureAuth, object oExtraParams);
   public string LogoTag( );
   public string LogoTag(string strReturnUrl);
   public string LogoTag(string strReturnUrl, int iTimeWindow, bool fForceLogin, 
        string strCoBrandedArgs, int iLangID, 
        bool fSecure, string strNameSpace, int iKPP, bool bUseSecureAuth);
   public string LogoTag(string strReturnUrl, int iTimeWindow, int iForceLogin, 
        string strCoBrandedArgs, int iLangID, 
        int iSecure, string strNameSpace, int iKPP, int iUseSecureAuth);
   public string LogoTag2( );
   public string LogoTag2(string strReturnUrl);
   public string LogoTag2(string strReturnUrl, int iTimeWindow, bool fForceLogin, 
        string strCoBrandedArgs, int iLangID, 
        bool fSecure, string strNameSpace, int iKPP, bool bUseSecureAuth);
   public string LogoTag2(string strReturnUrl, int iTimeWindow, int iForceLogin, 
        string strCoBrandedArgs, int iLangID, 
        int iSecure, string strNameSpace, int iKPP, int iUseSecureAuth);
   public string LogoutURL( );
   public string LogoutURL(string szReturnURL, 
        string szCOBrandArgs, int iLangID, 
        string strDomain, int iUseSecureAuth);
   public void SetOption(string strOpt, object vOpt);
   public object Ticket(string strAttribute);
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected override void Finalize( );              // overrides object

Returned By


Passed To

PassportAuthenticationEventArgs.PassportAuthenticationEventArgs( )

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