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HttpWritermarshal by reference, disposable

System.Web (system.web.dll)sealed class

This is the System.IO.TextWriter object that is used to write directly to an HTTP output stream. It is used internally by the Write( ) method of the HttpResponse class.

public sealed class HttpWriter : System.IO.TextWriter {
// Public Instance Properties
   public override Encoding Encoding{get; }         // overrides System.IO.TextWriter
   public Stream OutputStream{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public override void Close( );                    // overrides System.IO.TextWriter
   public override void Flush( );                    // overrides System.IO.TextWriter
   public override void Write(char ch);            // overrides System.IO.TextWriter
   public override void Write(char[ ] buffer, int index, int count);         // overrides System.IO.TextWriter
   public override void Write(object obj);         // overrides System.IO.TextWriter
   public override void Write(string s);           // overrides System.IO.TextWriter
   public void WriteBytes(byte[ ] buffer, int index, int count);
   public override void WriteLine( );                // overrides System.IO.TextWriter
   public void WriteString(string s, int index, int count);


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.IO.TextWriter(System.IDisposable) HttpWriter

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