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System.Web.UI (system.web.dll)enum

This enumeration specifies the HTML attributes that should be written to the opening tag of an HTML element when a client request is processed. It is used by several methods in the HtmlTextWriter class.

public enum HtmlTextWriterAttribute {
   Accesskey = 0,
   Align = 1,
   Alt = 2,
   Background = 3,
   Bgcolor = 4,
   Border = 5,
   Bordercolor = 6,
   Cellpadding = 7,
   Cellspacing = 8,
   Checked = 9,
   Class = 10,
   Cols = 11,
   Colspan = 12,
   Disabled = 13,
   For = 14,
   Height = 15,
   Href = 16,
   Id = 17,
   Maxlength = 18,
   Multiple = 19,
   Name = 20,
   Nowrap = 21,
   Onchange = 22,
   Onclick = 23,
   ReadOnly = 24,
   Rows = 25,
   Rowspan = 26,
   Rules = 27,
   Selected = 28,
   Size = 29,
   Src = 30,
   Style = 31,
   Tabindex = 32,
   Target = 33,
   Title = 34,
   Type = 35,
   Valign = 36,
   Value = 37,
   Width = 38,
   Wrap = 39


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) HtmlTextWriterAttribute

Returned By

HtmlTextWriter.GetAttributeKey( )

Passed To

HtmlTextWriter.{AddAttribute( ), EncodeAttributeValue( ), GetAttributeName( ), IsAttributeDefined( ), OnAttributeRender( ), RegisterAttribute( )}

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