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System.Web.UI (system.web.dll)enum

This enumeration specifies HTML styles that the methods in the HtmlTextWriter class can use to create output.

public enum HtmlTextWriterStyle {
   BackgroundColor = 0,
   BackgroundImage = 1,
   BorderCollapse = 2,
   BorderColor = 3,
   BorderStyle = 4,
   BorderWidth = 5,
   Color = 6,
   FontFamily = 7,
   FontSize = 8,
   FontStyle = 9,
   FontWeight = 10,
   Height = 11,
   TextDecoration = 12,
   Width = 13


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) HtmlTextWriterStyle

Returned By

HtmlTextWriter.GetStyleKey( )

Passed To

HtmlTextWriter.{AddStyleAttribute( ), GetStyleName( ), IsStyleAttributeDefined( ), OnStyleAttributeRender( ), RegisterStyle( )}

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