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Constants.NET 1.1

System.Web.UI.MobileControls (

This class is entirely made up of read-only constants for the mobile page. Controls can make use of these constants when rendering markup.

public class Constants {
// Public Constructors
   public Constants( );
// Public Static Fields
   public static readonly string AlternatingItemTemplateTag;     // =AlternatingItemTemplate
   public static readonly string ContentTemplateTag;             // =ContentTemplate
   public static readonly int DefaultSessionsStateHistorySize;    // =5
   public static readonly string EventArgumentID;                // =_ _EA
   public static readonly string EventSourceID;                  // =_ _ET
   public static readonly string FooterTemplateTag;              // =FooterTemplate
   public static readonly string FormIDPrefix;                   // =#
   public static readonly string HeaderTemplateTag;              // =HeaderTemplate
   public static readonly string ItemDetailsTemplateTag;         // =ItemDetailsTemplate
   public static readonly string ItemTemplateTag;                // =ItemTemplate
   public static readonly string LabelTemplateTag;               // =LabelTemplate
   public static readonly string OptimumPageWeightParameter;     // =optimumPageWeight
   public static readonly string PagePrefix;        // =_ _PG_
   public static readonly string ScreenCharactersHeightParameter;    // =screenCharactersHeight
   public static readonly string ScriptTemplateTag;              // =ScriptTemplate
   public static readonly char SelectionListSpecialCharacter;    // =0x0000002A
   public static readonly string SeparatorTemplateTag;           // =SeparatorTemplate
   public static readonly string SymbolProtocol;                 // =symbol:
   public static readonly string UniqueFilePathSuffixVariable;    // =_ _ufps=
   public static readonly string UniqueFilePathSuffixVariableWithoutEqual;    // =_ _ufps
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