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WmlMobileTextWriter.NET 1.1, marshal by reference, disposable

System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters (

Device adapters that render WML use the WmlMobileTextWriter to write their output. The WmlMobileTextWriter instance is provided in adapter methods like Render( ).

public class WmlMobileTextWriter : MobileTextWriter {
// Public Constructors
   public WmlMobileTextWriter(System.IO.TextWriter writer, System.Web.Mobile.MobileCapabilities device, 
        System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage page);
// Public Instance Properties
   public bool AnalyzeMode{set; get; }
// Protected Instance Properties
   protected Form CurrentForm{get; }
   protected virtual WmlFormat DefaultFormat{get; }
   protected virtual WmlLayout DefaultLayout{get; }
   protected int NumberOfSoftkeys{get; }
   protected MobilePage Page{get; }
   protected bool PendingBreak{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public void AddFormVariable(string clientID, string value, bool generateRandomID);
   public virtual void BeginCustomMarkup( );
   public virtual void BeginForm(System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Form form);
   public virtual void EndCustomMarkup( );
   public virtual void EndForm( );
   public override void EnterFormat(System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Style style); // overrides MobileTextWriter
   public override void EnterLayout(System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Style style); // overrides MobileTextWriter 
   public override void ExitFormat(System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Style style);    // overrides MobileTextWriter 
   public override void ExitLayout(System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Style style, bool breakAfter);
              // overrides MobileTextWriter
   public virtual bool IsValidSoftkeyLabel(string label);
   public virtual void RenderBeginHyperlink(string targetUrl, bool encodeUrl, string softkeyLabel, 
        bool implicitSoftkeyLabel, bool mapToSoftkey);
   public virtual void RenderBeginPostBack(string softkeyLabel, bool implicitSoftkeyLabel, bool mapToSoftkey);
   public virtual void RenderBeginSelect(string name, string iname, string ivalue, string title, bool multiSelect);
   public virtual void RenderEndHyperlink(bool breakAfter);
   public virtual void RenderEndPostBack(string target, string argument, WmlPostFieldType postBackType, 
        bool includeVariables, bool breakAfter);
   public virtual void RenderEndSelect(bool breakAfter);
   public virtual void RenderExtraCards( );
   public virtual void RenderGoAction(string target, string argument, WmlPostFieldType postBackType, 
        bool includeVariables);
   public virtual void RenderImage(string source, string localSource, string alternateText, bool breakAfter);
   public virtual void RenderSelectOption(string text);
   public virtual void RenderSelectOption(string text, string value);
   public void RenderText(string text);
   public void RenderText(string text, bool breakAfter);
   public virtual void RenderText(string text, bool breakAfter, bool encodeText);
   public virtual void RenderTextBox(string id, string value, string format, string title, bool password, int size, 
        int maxLength, bool generateRandomID, bool breakAfter);
   public virtual void ResetFormattingState( );
   public override void WriteAttribute(string attribute, string value, bool encode);
              // overrides System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter 
   public override void WriteEncodedText(string text);          // overrides MobileTextWriter
   public override void WriteEncodedUrl(string url);            // overrides MobileTextWriter
   public void WritePostField(string name, string value);
   public void WritePostField(string name, string value, WmlPostFieldType type);
   public void WritePostFieldVariable(string name, string arg);
   public void WriteText(string text, bool encodeText);
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected virtual void AnalyzePostBack(bool includeVariables, WmlPostFieldType postBackType);
   protected virtual string CalculateFormPostBackUrl(bool externalSubmit, ref bool encode);
   protected virtual string CalculateFormQueryString( );
   protected virtual void CloseCharacterFormat( );
   protected virtual void CloseParagraph( );
   protected virtual void EnsureFormat( );
   protected virtual void EnsureLayout( );
   protected internal string MapClientIDToShortName(string clientID, bool generateRandomID);
   protected virtual void OpenCharacterFormat(WmlFormat format, bool writeBold, bool writeItalic, bool writeSize);
   protected virtual void OpenParagraph(WmlLayout layout, bool writeAlignment, bool writeWrapping);
   protected virtual void PostAnalyzeForm( );
   protected virtual void RenderBeginForm(System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Form form);
   protected void RenderDoEvent(string doType, string target, string arg, WmlPostFieldType postBackType, 
        string text, bool includeVariables);
   protected virtual void RenderEndForm( );
   protected void RenderFormDoEvent(string doType, string arg, WmlPostFieldType postBackType, string text);
   protected virtual bool UsePostBackCard(bool includeVariables);
   protected void WriteBreak( );
   protected void WriteTextEncodedAttribute(string attribute, string value);


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.IO.TextWriter(System.IDisposable) System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter MultiPartWriter MobileTextWriter WmlMobileTextWriter



Passed To

WmlControlAdapter.{Render( ), RenderBeginLink( ), RenderEndLink( ), RenderLink( ), RenderPostBackEvent( ), RenderSubmitEvent( )}, WmlFormAdapter.RenderPager( ), WmlObjectListAdapter.{RenderItemDetails( ), RenderItemMenu( ), RenderItemsList( )}, WmlPageAdapter.RenderForm( )

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