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500  500 -- returns true


[is] greater than or equal [to]

is not less than

isn't less than

does not come before

doesn't come before

Return value

boolean; true or false


This binary comparison operator returns true if the operand on the left is greater than or equal to the right operand. You can use dates, integers, reals, or strings with these operators (both operands should be of the same class). If the operands are not of the same class, then AppleScript attempts to coerce the right operand to the class of the left operand.

In AppleScript, you can also use the contractions doesn't come before and isn't less than, along with the other English language versions.


1500.0 is greater than or equal to 1500.1 -- returns false

pi  3 -- returns true, because pi evaluates to about 3.14159265359

date "1/1/2050" does not come before date "1/1/2000" -- true
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