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This book has been a real pleasure to write and I hope that translates to something that's a joy for you to read. The names on the cover are necessarily only a small part of the total team effort that it took to produce this book. It would be impossible to thank every person that contributed, but I feel the obligation to try.

Both Bruce and Justin would like to thank Michael Loukides for his gentle encouragement, expert touch, and steady hand. At times, it may have seemed like this book would write itself, but don't underestimate your impact on it. Thanks for giving us the freedom to do something unique, and the gentle guidance and leadership when the book required it. We also greatly appreciate our outstanding technical reviewers, including Stuart Holloway, Andy Hunt, Dave Thomas, and Glenn Vanderburg. We respect each of you deeply. It's truly an honor to have such a combined brain-trust review our book. Special thanks go to Rod Johnson for his quick response and thorough attention while editing the Spring chapter. I'm astounded by what he's accomplished.

Many heartfelt thanks also go to the production and marketing teams at O'Reilly, including David Chu for doing whatever it takes to speed the project along, Robert Romano for his work on the graphics, Daniel H. Steinberg for keeping us in front of his community, Colleen Gorman for her experienced, delicate editing, and Kyle Hart for her tireless promotion.

This book is about lighter, faster technologies and it relies heavily on the opinions and work of some pioneers. Thanks to the folks at IntelliJ, for use of a fantastic IDE. We used it to create many of the examples in this book. Thanks to Ted Neward, for his help in understanding JSR 175, and for his unique perspective. Ted, you scare me, only in a good way (sometimes). For his work on Spring, we thank again Rod Johnson. Thanks also to those who contributed to the open source JPetstore examples, including Clinton Began for his original JPetstore, which formed the foundation for Spring's version, and Juergen Hoeller's work to port that example to Spring. Gavin King and crew we thank for a fantastic persistence framework. Your remarkable accomplishments are rewriting Java history in the area of transparent persistence. We also would like to thank Doug Cutting and the entire Lucene maintenance team for their work on that excellent product. Dave Thomas and Mike Clark are Java leaders in the areas of test-driven development and decoupled designs. Thanks to both for providing credible examples for this book.

Bruce A. Tate

I would like to personally thank Jay Zimmerman for giving me a soap box for this critical message. As a mentor, you've taught me how to run a small business, you've trusted me with your customers, and you've been a jovial friend on the road. Thanks go to Maciej for helping to get the ball rolling and for help outlining this book. Thanks also go to Mike Clark for your ideas on unit testing, and your friendship. Most importantly, I thank my family. You are all the reason that I write. Thanks to Kayla and Julia for your smiles, kisses, and hugs when I am down; to my greatest love Maggie, for your inspiration and understanding; and most of all Connie, for 32 years of loving those who have been the closest to me. Connie, this book is for you.

Justin Gehtland

I would like to personally thank Stuart Halloway for being preternaturally busy all the time. I'd also like to say thanks to Ted Neward, Kevin Jones, and Erik Hatcher for forming a gravitational well pulling me towards Java. Mostly, I'd like to thank my wife Lisa and daughter Zoe, who prove to me constantly that work isn't everything. Someday, perhaps, I'll write a book you'd both like to read.

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