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Recipe A.2 References

Recipe A.2.1 Meyer's CSS Support Charts

Recipe A.2.1.1

If you run into problems developing with CSS, check the CSS Support Charts to determine if there is a problem with the browser(s) you are using. The CSS Support Charts comprise three charts: Mastergrid, Historical CSS1 Support, and CSS2 Selectors. The Mastergrid chart looks at current generation support for CSS1 properties, while the Historical CSS1 Support chart covers the browsers that support CSS but were launched before 2000. The CSS2 Selectors chart covers the level of support in browsers for CSS2 selectors.

Recipe A.2.2 W3C CSS Page

Recipe A.2.2.1

This is the official site for CSS. At this site you can learn about the history of CSS, investigate learning resources and authoring tools, and read current CSS news.

Recipe A.2.3 CSS 2.1 Specification

Recipe A.2.3.1

Browser implementations of the CSS specification are sometimes a confusing mess. When tracking down how to achieve a certain look or an implementation bug, check the specification (as well as the CSS Support Charts).

Recipe A.2.4 HTML 4.01 Specification

Recipe A.2.4.1

To make the most out of using CSS for web design, you need to create your web documents with structured markup instead of using workarounds and hacks. Furthermore, you need to mark up your documents with elements to imply an inherent presentational meaning. For example, you need to highlight important words using the em element and not the b element. If you need to change your production methods, dig into the HTML specification and get to know the elements all over again.

Recipe A.2.5 XHTML 1.0 Specification

Recipe A.2.5.1

Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) is a restructuring of HTML 4 in XML 1.0. Although XHTML markup is stricter than that of HTML 4, the benefits are simple: more logical markup, increased interoperability, and enhanced accessibility.

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