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System (mscorlib.dll)enum

This enumeration is used by the Environment.GetFolderPath( ) method to allow you to retrieve the physical path of commonly used system (or "special") folders, including everything from the Internet cache to the Start menu.

public enum Environment.SpecialFolder {
   Desktop = 0,
   Programs = 2,
   Personal = 5,
   Favorites = 6,
   Startup = 7,
   Recent = 8,
   SendTo = 9,
   StartMenu = 11,
   MyMusic = 13,
   DesktopDirectory = 16,
   MyComputer = 17,
   Templates = 21,
   ApplicationData = 26,
   LocalApplicationData = 28,
   InternetCache = 32,
   Cookies = 33,
   History = 34,
   CommonApplicationData = 35,
   System = 37,
   ProgramFiles = 38,
   MyPictures = 39,
   CommonProgramFiles = 43


Object ValueType Enum(IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible) SpecialFolder

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