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Wsdl.exe Web Services Description Language Utility


wsdl.exe options url-or-path [url-or-path ...]


Creates service descriptions and generates proxy clients for ASP.NET web-service methods. See the ASP.NET documentation in the .NET Framework SDK for more detail on web services.


Create the proxy client Service1.cs from the .NET web service at the specified URL:

wsdl http://localhost/MyService/Service1.asmx?WSDL



Displays usage information and exits.

/appsettingbaseurl :url, /baseurl :url

Specifies the base URL for calculating the URL fragment. Requires /appsettingurlkey.

/appsettingurlkey :key, /urlkey :key

Specifies application settings configuration key to read the default value for the proxy client's Url property.

/d[omain] :domain

Specifies a domain name, if one is required for authentication.

/l[anguage] :language

Specifies the language for the generated proxy client. Valid options are CS (C#), VB (Visual Basic .NET), JS (JScript.NET), and VJS (J#).

/namespace :namespace

Specifies a namespace for the generated proxy client class.


Suppresses display of the banner and copyright messages.

/o[ut] :file

Specifies the filename of the generated proxy client class. If not specified, Wsdl bases the filename on the name of the web service.


Displays error messages using a format similar to that used by the compilers. (Added in .NET 1.1.)

/p[assword] :password

Specifies a password, if one is required for authentication.

/protocol :protocol

Specifies the protocol to implement. Valid protocols are SOAP (the default), SOAP12, HttpGet, or HttpPost.

/proxy :url

Specifies the URL of an HTTP proxy server.

/proxydomain :domain, /pd :domain

Specifies a domain name, if one is required for HTTP proxy server authentication.

/proxypassword :password, /pp :password

Specifies a password, if one is required for HTTP proxy server authentication.

/proxyusername :username, /pu :username

Specifies a user name, if one is required for HTTP proxy server authentication.


Generates an abstract class instead of a concrete proxy client class.

/u[sername] :username

Specifies a user name, if one is required for authentication.

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