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ServicePointCF 1.0, ECMA 1.0

System.Net (system.dll)class

This class is used by ServicePointManager to manage connections to remote hosts. The .NET Framework reuses service points for all requests to a given URI. The lifetime of a given ServicePoint is governed by its MaxIdleTime property.

The ServicePoint class is a high-level abstraction of the underlying implementation. Details of the implementation, such as the sockets used for HTTP transport, are not publicly exposed.

public class ServicePoint {
// Public Instance Properties
   public Uri Address{get; }
   public X509Certificate Certificate{get; }
   public X509Certificate ClientCertificate{get; }
   public int ConnectionLimit{set; get; }
   public string ConnectionName{get; }
   public int CurrentConnections{get; }
   public bool Expect100Continue{set; get; }
   public DateTime IdleSince{get; }
   public int MaxIdleTime{set; get; }
   public virtual Version ProtocolVersion{get; }
   public bool SupportsPipelining{get; }
   public bool UseNagleAlgorithm{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public override int GetHashCode( );    
// overrides object

Returned By

HttpWebRequest.ServicePoint, ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint( )

Passed To

ICertificatePolicy.CheckValidationResult( )

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