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C# Resources Online

Even this book cannot answer every question you might have about the language. There are many online resources that can help you get the most out of C#. We recommend the following sites:

The Microsoft .NET Developer Center is the official site for all things .NET, including the latest version of the .NET Framework SDK, as well as documentation, technical articles, sample code, pointers to discussion groups, and third-party resources.

Community support site run by the .NET Framework team. Includes articles, specifications, and numerous samples from .NET Framework team members and the community at large.

The DevelopMentor DOTNET discussion lists are the best site for freewheeling, independent discussion of the .NET Framework; participants often include key Microsoft engineers and program managers.

The official ECMA C# (ECMA-334) and CLI (ECMA-335) specifications.

The .NET DevCenter on the O'Reilly Network, featuring original articles, news, and weblogs of interest to .NET programmers.

The O'Reilly .NET Center. Visit this page frequently for information on current and upcoming books from O'Reilly. You'll find sample chapters, articles, and other resources.

A list of third-party resources for C# and .NET Framework developers.

You can also find Usenet discussions about .NET in the microsoft.public.dotnet.* family of newsgroups. In addition, the newsgroup microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.csharp specifically addresses C#. If your news server does not carry these groups, you can find them at news://

Lastly, two articles of interest are:

An interview with chief C# architect Anders Hejlsberg, by O'Reilly editor John Osborn.

A comparison of C# to C++ and Java by coauthor Ben Albahari.

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