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The fourth edition of this book deals with the new 9.1.0 and 8.2.3 versions of BIND as well as the older 4.9 versions. While 9.1.0 and 8.2.3 are the most recent versions as of this writing, they haven't made their way into many vendors' versions of Unix yet, partly because both versions have only recently been released and many vendors are wary of using such new software. We also occasionally mention other versions of BIND, especially 4.8.3, because many vendors continue to ship code based on this older software as part of their Unix products. Whenever a feature is available only in the 4.9, 8.2.3, or 9.1.0 version, or when there is a difference in the behavior of the versions, we try to point out which version does what.

We use nslookup, a name server utility program, very frequently in our examples. The version we use is the one shipped with the 8.2.3 BIND code. Older versions of nslookup provide much, but not quite all, of the functionality in the 8.2.3 nslookup.[] We've used commands common to most nslookup sin most of our examples; when this was not possible, we tried to note it.

[] This is also true of the version of nslookup shipped with BIND 9. See Chapter 12, for details.

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