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23.1 Installing CourseBuilder

The CourseBuilder extension for Dreamweaver is free from Macromedia's site at The Macromedia site also contains information about using CourseBuilder and provides tutorials and support information for this extension.

To install CourseBuilder:

  1. Download it from the preceding URL or the Macromedia Exchange (accessible using the Commands figs/U2192.gif Get More Commands option).

  2. Once you have downloaded CourseBuilder, open the Extension Manager by selecting Commands figs/U2192.gif Manage Extensions.

  3. Within the Extension Manager use the File figs/U2192.gif Install Extension option to select the CourseBuilder extension you downloaded (it is named cb_dw_ud.mxp).

  4. Restart Dreamweaver to make the CourseBuilder interactions available in the newly created Learning category in Dreamweaver's Objects panel.

  5. Installing CourseBuilder also adds a Modify figs/U2192.gif CourseBuilder submenu to Dreamweaver's Modify menu from which you can add interactions, edit interactions, and more.

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