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encodeURI( ) escape characters in a URI


JavaScript 1.5; JScript 5.5; ECMAScript v3





A string that contains the URI or other text to be encoded.


A copy of uri, with certain characters replaced by hexadecimal escape sequences.



Indicates that uri contains malformed Unicode surrogate pairs and cannot be encoded.


encodeURI( ) is a global function that returns an encoded copy of its uri argument. ASCII letters and digits are not encoded, nor are the following ASCII punctuation characters:

- _ . ! ~ * ' ( ) 

Because encodeURI( ) is intended to encode complete URIs, the following ASCII punctuation characters, which have special meaning in URIs, are not escaped either:

; / ? : @ & = + $ , # 

Any other characters in uri are replaced by converting the character to its UTF-8 encoding and then encoding each of the resulting one, two, or three bytes with a hexadecimal escape sequence of the form %xx. In this encoding scheme, ASCII characters are replaced with a single %xx escape, characters with encodings between \u0080 and \u07ff are replaced with two escape sequences, and all other 16-bit Unicode characters are replaced with three escape sequences.

If you use this method to encode a URI, you should be certain that none of the components of the URI (such as the query string) contain URI separator characters such as ? and #. If the components may contain these characters, you should encode each component separately with encodeURIComponent( ).

Use decodeURI( ) to reverse the encoding applied by this method. Prior to ECMAScript v3, you can use escape( ) and unescape( ) methods (which are now deprecated) to perform a similar kind of encoding and decoding.


// Returns
encodeURI(" world");
encodeURI("\u00a9");  // The copyright character encodes to %C2%A9

See Also

decodeURI( ), decodeURIComponent( ), encodeURIComponent( ), escape( ), unescape( )

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