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Select a graphical selection list


JavaScript 1.0; enhanced in JavaScript 1.1

Inherits from/Overrides

Inherits from Input, HTMLElement




Select inherits properties from Input and HTMLElement and defines or overrides the following:


A read-only integer that specifies the number of elements in the options[] array. The value of this property is the same as options.length.


An array of Option objects, each of which describes one of the options displayed within the Select element. See the Select.options[] reference page for details about this array, including techniques for modifying the options displayed by the Select object.


An integer that specifies the index of the selected option within the Select object. If no option is selected, selectedIndex is -1. If more than one option is selected, selectedIndex specifies the index of the first one only.

In JavaScript 1.0, selectedIndex is a read-only property. In JavaScript 1.1, it is read/write. Setting the value of this property selects the specified option and deselects all other options, even if the Select object has the multiple attribute specified. When you're doing list-box selection (instead of drop-down menu selection), you can deselect all options by setting selectedIndex to -1. Note that changing the selection in this way does not trigger the onchange( ) event handler.

type [ JavaScript 1.1]

A read-only string property shared by all form elements; it specifies the type of the element. The Select object is unusual in that there are two possible values for the type property. If the Select object allows only a single selection (i.e., if the multiple attribute does not appear in the object's HTML definition), the value of the type property is "select-one". If the multiple attribute does appear, the value of the type attribute is "select-multiple". See also the Input.type reference page.


Select inherits the methods of Input and HTMLElement.

Event Handlers

Select inherits event handlers from Input and HTMLElement and defines or overrides the following:


Invoked when the user selects or deselects an item.

HTML Syntax

A Select element is created with a standard HTML <select> tag. Options to appear within the Select element are created with the <option> tag:

    name="name"  // A name that identifies this element; specifies name property
    [ size="integer" ]      // Number of visible options in Select element
    [ multiple ]            // Multiple options may be selected, if present
    [ onchange="handler" ]  // Invoked when the selection changes
<option value="value1" [selected]> option_label1
<option value="value2" [selected]> option_label2

// Other options here


The Select element represents a graphical list of choices for the user. If the multiple attribute is present in the HTML definition of the element, the user may select any number of options from the list. If that attribute is not present, the user may select only one option, and options have a radio button behavior -- selecting one deselects whichever was previously selected.

The options in a Select element may be displayed in two distinct ways. If the size attribute has a value greater than 1, or if the multiple attribute is present, they are displayed in a list box which is size lines high in the browser window. If size is smaller than the number of options, the list box includes a scrollbar so all the options are accessible. On the other hand, if size is specified as 1 and multiple is not specified, the currently selected option is displayed on a single line, and the list of other options is made available through a drop-down menu. The first presentation style displays the options clearly but requires more space in the browser window. The second style requires minimal space but does not display alternative options as explicitly.

The options[] property of the Select element is the most interesting. This is the array of Option objects that describe the choices presented by the Select element. The length property specifies the length of this array (as does options.length). See the documentation of the Option object for details.

In JavaScript 1.1, the options displayed by the Select element may be dynamically modified. You can change the text displayed by an Option object simply by setting its text property. You can change the number of options displayed by the Select element by setting the options.length property. And you can create new options for display with the Option( ) constructor function. See the Select.options[] and Option reference pages for details.

Note that the Select object is a kind of Input object and inherits from Input, despite the fact that Select objects are not created with HTML <input> tags.

See Also

Form, HTMLElement, Input, Option; HTMLSelectElement in the DOM reference section

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