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13.2 PDF

Another kind of non-HTML document that your PHP programs can produce is a PDF file, as shown in Example 13-2. This is handy for making an invoice that incorporates information from your database or providing printable versions of pages that meet exacting layout standards.

Example 13-2. Generating a PDF document
// These values are in points (1/72nd of an inch)
$fontsize = 72;     // 1 inch high letters
$page_height = 612; // 8.5 inch high page
$page_width = 792;  // 11 inch wide page

// Use a default message if none is supplied
if (strlen(trim($_GET['message']))) {
    $message = trim($_GET['message']);
} else {
    $message = 'Generate a PDF!';

// Create a new PDF document in memory
$pdf = pdf_new( );
pdf_open_file($pdf, '');

// Add a 11"x8.5" page to the document
pdf_begin_page($pdf, $page_width, $page_height);

// Select the Helvetica font at 72 points
$font = pdf_findfont($pdf, "Helvetica", "winansi", 0);
pdf_setfont($pdf, $font, $fontsize);

// Display the message centered on the page
pdf_show_boxed($pdf, $message, 0, ($page_height-$fontsize)/2,
               $page_width, $fontsize, 'center');

// End the page and the document

// Get the contents of the document and delete it from memory
$pdf_doc = pdf_get_buffer($pdf);

// Send appropriate headers and the document contents
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($pdf_doc));
print $pdf_doc;

Example 13-2 uses the functions in the PDF extension. This extension depends on the PDFLib library that is available at The CLibPDF extension also generates PDF files, but depends on the ClibPDF library that is available at Both PDFLib and CLibPDF require that you buy a license to use them for commercial purposes.

See Chapter 10 of O'Reilly's Programming PHP for detailed information about creating PDF documents, and read for some free PDF creation options.

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