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18.3 Mixed Usage Modes: __name__ and __main__

Here's a special module-related trick that lets you both import a file as a module, and run it as a standalone program. Each module has a built-in attribute called __name__, which Python sets automatically as follows:

  • If the file is being run as a top-level program file, __name__ is set to the string "__main__" when it starts.

  • If the file is being imported, __name__ is instead set to the module's name as known by its clients.

The upshot is that a module can test its own __name__ to determine whether it's being run or imported. For example, suppose we create the following module file, named, to export a single function called tester:

def tester(  ):
    print "It's Christmas in Heaven..."

if __name__ == '__main__':         # Only when run
    tester(  )                        # Not when imported

This module defines a function for clients to import and use as usual:

% python
>>> import runme
>>> runme.tester(  )
It's Christmas in Heaven...

But the module also includes code at the bottom that is set up to call the function when this file is run as a program:

% python
It's Christmas in Heaven...

Perhaps the most common place you'll see the __name__ test applied is for self-test code: you can package code that tests a module's exports in the module itself, by wrapping it in a __name__ test at the bottom. This way, you can use the file in clients by importing it, and test its logic by running it from the system shell or other launching schemes. Chapter 26 will discuss other commonly used options for testing Python code.

Another common role for the __name__ trick, is for writing files whose functionalty can be used as both a command-line utility, and a tool library. For instance, suppose you write a file finder script in Python; you can get more mileage out of your code, if you package your code in functions, and add a __name__ test in the file to automatically call those functions when the file is run standalone. That way, the script's code becomes reusable in other programs.

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