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22.9 Documentation Strings Revisited

Chapter 11 covered docstrings in detail in our look at documentation sources and tools. Docstrings are string literals that show up at the top of various structures, and are saved by Python automatically in object __doc__ attributes. This works for module files, function defs, and classes and methods. Now that we know more about classes and methods, file provides a quick but comprehensive example that summarizes the places where docstrings can show up in your code; all can be triple-quoted blocks:

"I am: docstr.__doc__"

class spam:
    "I am: spam.__doc__ or docstr.spam.__doc__"

    def method(self, arg):
        "I am: spam.method.__doc__ or self.method.__doc__"

def func(args):
    "I am: docstr.func.__doc__"

The main advantage of documentation strings is that they stick around at runtime; if it's been coded as a documentation string, you can qualify an object to fetch its documentation.

>>> import docstr
>>> docstr.__doc__
'I am: docstr.__doc__'

>>> docstr.spam.__doc__
'I am: spam.__doc__ or docstr.spam.__doc__'

>>> docstr.spam.method.__doc__
'I am: spam.method.__doc__ or self.method.__doc__'

>>> docstr.func.__doc__
'I am: docstr.func.__doc__'

The discussion of the PyDoc tool that knows how to format all these strings in reports appears in Chapter 11. Documentation strings are available at runtime, but they are also less flexible syntactically than # comments (which can appear anywhere in a program). Both forms are useful tools, and any program documentation is good (as long as it's accurate).

Why You Will Care: Bound Methods and Callbacks

Because bound methods automatically pair an instance with a class method function, you can use them in any place that a simple function is expected. One of the most common places you'll see this idea put to work is in code that registers methods as event callback handlers in the Tkinter GUI interface. Here's the simple case:

def handler(  ):
    ...use globals for state...
widget = Button(text='spam', command=handler)

To register a handler for button click events, we usually pass a callable object that takes no arguments to the command keyword argument. Function names (and lambdas) work here; so do class methods, as long they are bound methods:

class MyWidget:
    def handler(self):
        ...use self.attr for state...
    def makewidgets(self):
        b = Button(text='spam', command=self.handler)

Here, the event handler is self.handler—a bound method object that remembers both self and MyGui.handler. Because self will refer to the original instance when handler is later invoked on events, the method will have access to instance attributes that can retain state between events. With simple functions, state normally must be retained in global variables instead. See also the discussion of __call__ operator overloading in Chapter 21 for another way to make classes compatible with function-based APIs.

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