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5.3 String Formatting

Python overloads the % binary operator to work on strings (the % operator also means remainder-of-division modulus for numbers). When applied to strings, it serves the same role as C's sprintf function; the % provides a simple way to format values as strings, according to a format definition string. In short, this operator provides a compact way to code multiple string substitutions.

To format strings:

  1. Provide a format string on the left of the % operator with embedded conversion targets that start with a % (e.g., "%d").

  2. Provide an object (or objects in parenthesis) on the right of the % operator that you want Python to insert into the format string on the left at its conversion targets.

For instance, in the last example of the prior section, the integer 1 replaces the %d in the format string on the left, and the string 'dead' replaces the %s. The result is a new string that reflects these two substitutions.

Technically speaking, the string formatting expression is usually optional—you can generally do similar work with multiple concatenations and conversions. However, formatting allows us to combine many steps into a single operation. It's powerful enough to warrant a few more examples:

>>> exclamation = "Ni"
>>> "The knights who say %s!" % exclamation
'The knights who say Ni!'

>>> "%d %s %d you" % (1, 'spam', 4)
'1 spam 4 you'

>>> "%s -- %s -- %s" % (42, 3.14159, [1, 2, 3])
'42 -- 3.14159 -- [1, 2, 3]'

The first example here plugs the string "Ni" into the target on the left, replacing the %s marker. In the second, three values are inserted into the target string. When there is more than one value being inserted, you need to group the values on the right in parentheses (which really means they are put in a tuple). Keep in mind that formatting always makes a new string, rather than changing the string on the left; since strings are immutable, it must.

Notice that the third example inserts three values again—an integer, floating-point, and list object—but all of the targets on the left are %s, which stands for conversion to string. Since every type of object can be converted to a string (the one used when printing), every object works with the %s conversion code. Because of this, unless you will be doing some special formatting, %s is often the only code you need to remember.

5.3.1 Advanced String Formatting

For more advanced type-specific formatting, you can use any of conversion codes listed in Table 5-3 in formatting expressions. C programmers will recognize most of these, because Python string formatting supports all the usual C printf format codes (but returns the result, instead of displaying it like printf). Some of the format codes in the table provide alternative ways to format the same type; for instance, %e, %f, and %g, provide alternative ways to format floating-point numbers.

Table 5-3. String formatting codes




String (or any object)


s, but uses repr( ), not str( )




Decimal (integer)




Unsigned (integer)


Octal integer


Hex integer


X, but prints uppercase


Floating-point exponent


e, but prints uppercase


Floating-point decimal


Floating-point e or f


Floating-point E or f


Literal '%'

In fact, conversion targets in the format string on the expression's left side support a variety of conversion operations, with a fairly sophisticated syntax all their own. The general structure of conversion targets looks like this:


The character codes in Table 5-3 show up at the end of the target string. Between the % and the character code, we can give a dictionary key; list flags that specify things like left justification (-), numeric sign (+), and zero fills (0); give total field width and the number of digits after a decimal point; and more.

Formatting target syntax is documented in full elsewhere, but to demonstrate commonly-used format syntax, here are a few examples. The first formats integers by default, and then in a six-character field with left justification and zero padding:

>>> x = 1234
>>> res = "integers: ...%d...%-6d...%06d" % (x, x, x)
>>> res
'integers: ...1234...1234  ...001234'

The %e, %f, and %g formats display floating-point numbers in different ways, such as:

>>> x = 1.23456789
>>> x

>>> '%e | %f | %g' % (x, x, x)
'1.234568e+000 | 1.234568 | 1.23457'

For floating-point numbers, we can achieve a variety of additional formatting effects by specifying left justification, zero padding, numeric signs, field width, and digits after the decimal point. For simpler tasks, you might get by with simply converting to strings with a format expression or the str built-in function shown earlier:

>>> '%-6.2f | %05.2f | %+06.1f' % (x, x, x)
'1.23   | 01.23 | +001.2'

>>> "%s" % x, str(x)
('1.23456789', '1.23456789')

String formatting also allows conversion targets on the left to refer to the keys in a dictionary on the right, to fetch the corresponding value. We haven't told you much about dictionaries yet, but here's the basics for future reference:

>>> "%(n)d %(x)s" % {"n":1, "x":"spam"}
'1 spam'

Here, the (n) and (x) in the format string refer to keys in the dictionary literal on the right, and fetch their associated values. This trick is often used in conjunction with the vars built-in function, which returns a dictionary containing all the variables that exist in the place it is called:

>>> food = 'spam' 
>>> age = 40 
>>> vars(  ) 
{'food': 'spam', 'age': 40, ...many more...  }

When used on the right of a format operation, this allows the format string to refer to variables by name (i.e., by dictionary key):

>>> "%(age)d %(food)s" % vars(  )
'40 spam'

We'll say much more about dictionaries in Chapter 6. See also Section 4.3 for examples that convert to hexidecimal and octal strings with the %x and %o formatting target codes.

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