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System.Drawing (system.drawing.dll)enum

This enumeration provides a set of values that represent a variety of different alignment styles. It is not used by any other classes in the drawing namespaces, but many Control classes use it to define the way their text labels and other visual content should be aligned when rendered.

public enum ContentAlignment {
   TopLeft = 1,
   TopCenter = 2,
   TopRight = 4,
   MiddleLeft = 16,
   MiddleCenter = 32,
   MiddleRight = 64,
   BottomLeft = 256,
   BottomCenter = 512,
   BottomRight = 1024


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparabl, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) ContentAlignment

Returned By

System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.{ImageAlign, TextAlign}, System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.CheckAlign, System.Windows.Forms.Control.RtlTranslateContent(), System.Windows.Forms.Label.{ImageAlign, TextAlign}, System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton.CheckAlign

Passed To

System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.{ImageAlign, TextAlign}, System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.CheckAlign, System.Windows.Forms.Control.{RtlTranslateAlignment(), RtlTranslateContent()}, System.Windows.Forms.Label.{CalcImageRenderBounds(), DrawImage(), ImageAlign, TextAlign}, System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton.CheckAlign

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