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System.Drawing.Imaging (system.drawing.dll)sealed class

The EncoderParameter class is used to pass parameters to a GDI+ image-storage codec when saving images. This class wraps a Guid identifying a particular encoder category for that parameter.

For example, the parameter might relate to the Compression mode, the RenderMethod or the Quality of the image that will be output by the codec.

public sealed class Encoder {
// Public Constructors
   public Encoder(Guid guid);
// Public Static Fields
   public static readonly Encoder ChrominanceTable;  // =System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder
   public static readonly Encoder ColorDepth;  // =System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder
   public static readonly Encoder Compression;  // =System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder
   public static readonly Encoder LuminanceTable;  // =System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder
   public static readonly Encoder Quality;  // =System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder
   public static readonly Encoder RenderMethod;  // =System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder
   public static readonly Encoder SaveFlag;  // =System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder
   public static readonly Encoder ScanMethod;  // =System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder
   public static readonly Encoder Transformation;  // =System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder
   public static readonly Encoder Version;  // =System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder
// Public Instance Properties
   public Guid Guid{get; }

Returned By


Passed To

EncoderParameter.{Encoder, EncoderParameter()}

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