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System.Drawing.Imaging (system.drawing.dll)sealed class

This class encapsulates various attributes of a Metafile. It can be retrieved using the Metafile.GetMetafileHeader() method.

You can find the resolution of the metafile with the DpiX, DpiY, LogicalDpiX, and LogicalDpiY properties. The Bounds of the metafile on the page can also be obtained.

The header also contains a lot of information about the file itself. You can discover the EmfPlusHeaderSize and MetafileSize in bytes. The Type (from the MetafileType enumeration) and Version are also accessible. There is also a set of utility accessor methods to determine the type of metafile (e.g., IsEmfPlus()). As with all this grungy metafile support, these are something of a hangover from the unmanaged GDI+ interface.

public sealed class MetafileHeader {
// Public Instance Properties
   public Rectangle Bounds{get; }
   public float DpiX{get; }
   public float DpiY{get; }
   public int EmfPlusHeaderSize{get; }
   public int LogicalDpiX{get; }
   public int LogicalDpiY{get; }
   public int MetafileSize{get; }
   public MetafileType Type{get; }
   public int Version{get; }
   public MetaHeader WmfHeader{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public bool IsDisplay();
   public bool IsEmf();
   public bool IsEmfOrEmfPlus();
   public bool IsEmfPlus();
   public bool IsEmfPlusDual();
   public bool IsEmfPlusOnly();
   public bool IsWmf();
   public bool IsWmfPlaceable();

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