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System.Windows.Forms (

This enumeration defines the various well-defined roles that your object plays within an application environment. Accessibility clients can then use the fact that they know your object is a Diagram or a Clock or whatever, to offer customized assistance to the end user.

public enum AccessibleRole {
   None = 0,
   TitleBar = 1,
   MenuBar = 2,
   ScrollBar = 3,
   Grip = 4,
   Sound = 5,
   Cursor = 6,
   Caret = 7,
   Alert = 8,
   Window = 9,
   Client = 10,
   MenuPopup = 11,
   MenuItem = 12,
   ToolTip = 13,
   Application = 14,
   Document = 15,
   Pane = 16,
   Chart = 17,
   Dialog = 18,
   Border = 19,
   Grouping = 20,
   Separator = 21,
   ToolBar = 22,
   StatusBar = 23,
   Table = 24,
   ColumnHeader = 25,
   RowHeader = 26,
   Column = 27,
   Row = 28,
   Cell = 29,
   Link = 30,
   HelpBalloon = 31,
   Character = 32,
   List = 33,
   ListItem = 34,
   Outline = 35,
   OutlineItem = 36,
   PageTab = 37,
   PropertyPage = 38,
   Indicator = 39,
   Graphic = 40,
   StaticText = 41,
   Text = 42,
   PushButton = 43,
   CheckButton = 44,
   RadioButton = 45,
   ComboBox = 46,
   DropList = 47,
   ProgressBar = 48,
   Dial = 49,
   HotkeyField = 50,
   Slider = 51,
   SpinButton = 52,
   Diagram = 53,
   Animation = 54,
   Equation = 55,
   ButtonDropDown = 56,
   ButtonMenu = 57,
   ButtonDropDownGrid = 58,
   WhiteSpace = 59,
   PageTabList = 60,
   Clock = 61,
   Default = -1


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparabl, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) AccessibleRole

Returned By

Control.AccessibleRole, System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesignerAccessibleObject.Role, PrintPreviewDialog.AccessibleRole

Passed To

Control.AccessibleRole, PrintPreviewDialog.AccessibleRole

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