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DataGridBoolColumnmarshal by reference, disposable

System.Windows.Forms (

This DataGridColumnStyle class supports true/false values, representing them as a checkbox. If you set the AllowNull property, you can extend this to true/false/null support, with a tristate checkbox.

In addition to the base behavior, you can set the TrueValue, FalseValue, and NullValue properties (the object values that represent true, false, and null), in the particular data type of the bound column.

public class DataGridBoolColumn : DataGridColumnStyle {
// Public Constructors
   public DataGridBoolColumn();
   public DataGridBoolColumn(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor prop);
   public DataGridBoolColumn(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor prop, bool isDefault);
// Public Instance Properties
   public bool AllowNull{set; get; }
   public object FalseValue{set; get; }
   public object NullValue{set; get; }
   public object TrueValue{set; get; }
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected internal override void Abort(int rowNum);  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle
   protected internal override bool Commit(CurrencyManager dataSource, int rowNum);  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle
   protected internal override void ConcedeFocus();  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle
   protected internal override void Edit(CurrencyManager source, int rowNum, 
        System.Drawing.Rectangle bounds, bool readOnly, string instantText, 
        bool cellIsVisible);  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle
   protected internal override void EnterNullValue();  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle
   protected internal override object GetColumnValueAtRow(CurrencyManager lm, 
        int row);  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle
   protected internal override int GetMinimumHeight();  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle
   protected internal override int GetPreferredHeight(System.Drawing.Graphics g,
        object value);  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle
   protected internal override Size GetPreferredSize(System.Drawing.Graphics g, 
        object value);  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle
   protected internal override void Paint(System.Drawing.Graphics g, 
        System.Drawing.Rectangle bounds, CurrencyManager source, int rowNum);  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle
   protected internal override void Paint(System.Drawing.Graphics g, System.Drawing.Rectangle bounds,
        CurrencyManager source, int rowNum, bool alignToRight);  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle
   protected internal override void Paint(System.Drawing.Graphics g, System.Drawing.Rectangle bounds,
        CurrencyManager source, int rowNum, System.Drawing.Brush backBrush, 
        System.Drawing.Brush foreBrush, bool alignToRight);  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle
   protected internal override void SetColumnValueAtRow(
        CurrencyManager lm, int row, object value);  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle
// Events
   public event EventHandler AllowNullChanged;
   public event EventHandler FalseValueChanged;
   public event EventHandler TrueValueChanged;


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.ComponentModel.Component(System.ComponentModel.IComponen, System.IDisposable) DataGridColumnStyle(IDataGridColumnStyleEditingNotificationService) DataGridBoolColumn

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