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System.Windows.Forms (

This enumeration is used by Control objects that support owner drawing. If you set their DrawMode properties to OwnerDrawFixed, you will raise DrawItem events to paint each item in the Control. The height of each item is fixed to the value in the ItemHeight property. On the other hand, if you set it to OwnerDrawVariable, the framework will also raise MeasureItem events that allow you to individually specify the height of each item in the list. See DrawItemEventArgs for more information on the owner draw painting process.

public enum DrawMode {
   Normal = 0,
   OwnerDrawFixed = 1,
   OwnerDrawVariable = 2


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparabl, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) DrawMode

Returned By

ComboBox.DrawMode, ListBox.DrawMode

Passed To

ComboBox.DrawMode, ListBox.DrawMode

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