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System.Windows.Forms (

This enumeration is used by various controls to align visual components either to the left or the right of the main body of the control (e.g., the DateTimePicker, or the ComboBox). Note that while the values of the enumeration are Left and Right, the RightToLeft status of the control comes into play, so Left would actually appear on the right if RightToLeft is set to Yes.

public enum LeftRightAlignment {
   Left = 0,
   Right = 1


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparabl, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) LeftRightAlignment

Returned By

Control.RtlTranslateLeftRight(), DateTimePicker.DropDownAlign, UpDownBase.UpDownAlign

Passed To

Control.{RtlTranslateAlignment(), RtlTranslateLeftRight()}, DateTimePicker.DropDownAlign, UpDownBase.UpDownAlign

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