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System.ComponentModel (system.dll)class

This class should be used as the base for classes that encapsulate the data for events that can be canceled.

It provides a Cancel property that can be set by the client of the event to indicate that the action that raised the event should be aborted.

public class CancelEventArgs : EventArgs {
// Public Constructors
   public CancelEventArgs();
   public CancelEventArgs(bool cancel);
// Public Instance Properties
   public bool Cancel{set; get; }


System.Object System.EventArgs CancelEventArgs


System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs, System.Windows.Forms.{InputLanguageChangingEventArgs, TreeViewCancelEventArgs}

Passed To

CancelEventHandler.{BeginInvoke(), Invoke()}, System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnValidating(), System.Windows.Forms.FileDialog.OnFileOk(), System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnClosing()

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