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System.ComponentModel (system.dll)class

This attribute class should be applied to properties to indicate to the design-time environment how they should be visually grouped within a designer.

You can retrieve the Category, which may be one of several standard values (such as Appearance and Behavior) that are defined through static properties.

Note that if you choose one of these standard values, they will be localized for you automatically. If you choose a custom value, you are responsible for localization yourself.

public class CategoryAttribute : Attribute {
// Public Constructors
   public CategoryAttribute();
   public CategoryAttribute(string category);
// Public Static Properties
   public static CategoryAttribute Action{get; }
   public static CategoryAttribute Appearance{get; }
   public static CategoryAttribute Behavior{get; }
   public static CategoryAttribute Data{get; }
   public static CategoryAttribute Default{get; }
   public static CategoryAttribute Design{get; }
   public static CategoryAttribute DragDrop{get; }
   public static CategoryAttribute Focus{get; }
   public static CategoryAttribute Format{get; }
   public static CategoryAttribute Key{get; }
   public static CategoryAttribute Layout{get; }
   public static CategoryAttribute Mouse{get; }
   public static CategoryAttribute WindowStyle{get; }
// Public Instance Properties
   public string Category{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public override bool Equals(object obj);  // overrides Attribute
   public override int GetHashCode();  // overrides Attribute
   public override bool IsDefaultAttribute();  // overrides Attribute
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected virtual string GetLocalizedString(string value);


System.Object System.Attribute CategoryAttribute

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