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12.2 Classes

C# uses the class statement along with opening and closing braces to indicate the beginning and end of a class definition. For example:

public class Form : ContainerControl {
   // member definitions

In VB, a class definition is indicated by the Class... End Class construct:

Public Class Form 
   ' member definitions
End Class

In addition, C# classes can be marked as abstract or sealed; these correspond to the VB MustInherit and NonInheritable keywords, as shown in Table 12-2.

Table 12-2. C# and equivalent VB class modifiers

C# keyword

VB keyword





C# uses the colon to indicate either inheritance or interface implementation. Both the base class and the implemented interfaces are part of the class statement. For example:

public class Control : Component, ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window

In VB, a base class and any implemented interfaces are specified on separate lines immediately following the Class statement. A class's base class is indicated by preceding its name with the Inherits keyword; any implemented interfaces are indicated by the Implements keyword. Hence, the previous definition of the Control class in C# would appear as follows in VB:

Public Class Control
   Inherits Component
   Implements ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window
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