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XmlNodeChangedActionSystem.Xml (system.xml.dll) CF 1.0, serializable enum 

public enum XmlNodeChangedAction {
   Insert = 0,
   Remove = 1,
   Change = 2

This simple enumeration that describes the change that has occurred within an XmlDocument instance can be one of the following: Change, which indicates that a node within the document has changed in some way; Insert, which indicates that a node has been inserted into the document; or Remove, which indicates that a node has been removed. This is one of the properties specified in the XmlNodeChangedEventArgs parameter to the XmlNodeChangedEventHandler delegate instance registered with the XmlDocument.


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) XmlNodeChangedAction

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