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XmlSchemaRedefineSystem.Xml.Schema (system.xml.dll)    class 

public class XmlSchemaRedefine : XmlSchemaExternal {
// Public Constructors
   public XmlSchemaRedefine( );  
// Public Instance Properties
   public XmlSchemaObjectTable AttributeGroups{get; } 
   public XmlSchemaObjectTable Groups{get; } 
   public XmlSchemaObjectCollection Items{get; } 
   public XmlSchemaObjectTable SchemaTypes{get; } 

This type provides the .NET implementation of the xs:redefine XML Schema element. Similar to xs:include, it allows you to include the contents of another XML Schema in the current schema, and redefine types defined in the external schema.


System.Object XmlSchemaObject XmlSchemaExternal XmlSchemaRedefine

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