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XmlArrayItemAttributeSystem.Xml.Serialization (system.xml.dll) CF 1.0  class 

public class XmlArrayItemAttribute : Attribute {
// Public Constructors
   public XmlArrayItemAttribute( );  
   public XmlArrayItemAttribute( string elementName);  
   public XmlArrayItemAttribute( string elementName, Type type);  
   public XmlArrayItemAttribute( Type type);  
// Public Instance Properties
   public string DataType{set; get; } 
   public string ElementName{set; get; } 
   public XmlSchemaForm Form{set; get; } 
   public bool IsNullable{set; get; } 
   public string Namespace{set; get; } 
   public int NestingLevel{set; get; } 
   public Type Type{set; get; } 

This attribute is used to specify how the XmlSerializer should deserialize individual elements of a member that returns an array. The ElementName property contains the name of the XML element for each element of the array, when it is different from the name of the type. The DataType property allows you to set the XML Schema data type for the array elements. The Form property can be used to set the System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm for the element name. The IsNullable property indicates whether the element will be written with the attribute xsi:nil="true" if the array element is null. The Namespace property contains the namespace for the XML element. When the array is two-dimensional, the NestingLevel property indicates the depth of the XML tree at which the XmlArrayItemAttribute applies. The Type property indicates the System.Types of elements that can be inserted into the array, if there is more than one, and if the concrete type differs from the declared type of the array elements.


System.Object System.Attribute XmlArrayItemAttribute

Valid On

Property, Field, Parameter, ReturnValue

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