switch(expression) {
case x:
// code of block to be executed when this case matches
break; // if you decide to run a return statement in a specific case, then don't write break
case y:
// code of block to be executed when this case matches
return "xyz"
// In this case no "break" will be written as we have written a return statement
default: "xyz" // If no case matches then the code written in the block of "default" will be executed
// For example
let x = 5;
switch(x) {
case 1:
console.log(`x value is ${x}`)
case 2:
console.log(`x value is ${x}`)
case 3:
console.log(`x value is ${x}`)
case 4:
console.log(`x value is ${x}`)
case 5:
console.log(`x value is ${x}`)
// Output "x value is 5"