Need more help? Add me on discord: Dwagon#0069
Discord.js ^13.8.1
With interaction
if (interaction.member.permissions.has("BAN_MEMBERS")) {
const user = interaction.options.getUser("user")
const member = interaction.guild.members.cache.get(user.id) || await interaction.guild.members.fetch(user.id).catch(err => { })
switch (member.id) {
case (!member):
return interaction.reply({
content: "ERROR: Cannot find this user!",
ephemeral: true
case (interaction.member.id):
return interaction.reply({
content: "ERROR: You cannot ban yourself!",
ephemeral: true
case (bot.user.id):
return interaction.reply({
content: "ERROR: You cannot ban me!",
ephemeral: true
case (member.roles.highest.position >= interaction.member.roles.highest.position):
return interaction.reply({
content: "ERROR: I can't ban this user, because he's higher than you!",
ephemeral: true
case (!member.bannable):
return interaction.reply({
content: "ERROR: I can't ban this user!",
ephemeral: true
const reason = interaction.options.getString("reason");
const admin = interaction.user.tag;
await interaction.reply({
content: ["``" + member.user.tag + "`` has been banned from the server for ``" + reason + "``"],
ephemeral: true
await member.ban({ reason: [reason + " | " + admin] });
} else {
// If doesn't have permission to ban
return interaction.reply({
content: "ERROR: You cannot execute this command!",
ephemeral: true