#The easiest way to position labels on the screen is to use the 'place' method
#Do the following
# Import tkinter
from tkinter import *
# Create a window (does not have to be a root window)
window = Tk()
window.title("Positioning Labels")
# Create a label
Label(window, text = "This is a label").place(x = 80, y = 120)
What we did was:
- create a label using the 'Label()' function
- told where the label should be placed 'window'
- what the text of the label should be 'text'
- told the coordinates of the label on the screen 'place(x = ---, y = ---)'
# Hope this helped you. This is a very easy way to place labels on the screen
# which allows us to control the position with ease.
# By Codexel :)