This implementation demonstrates how
to efficiently find the first index
in a sorted array of distinct numbers that
is equal to the value at that index.
array = [-5, -3, 0, 3, 4, 5, 9]
First idx matching value is 3 as
array[3] = 3
Let n the size of the input sorted array
of distinct values.
Time complexity: O(nlog2(n))
Space complexity: O(1)
from turtle import left
def index_equal_value(array):
left_idx = 0
right_idx = len(array) - 1
while left_idx <= right_idx:
middle_idx = left_idx + (right_idx-left_idx)//2
middle_value = array[middle_idx]
if middle_value < middle_idx:
left_idx = middle_idx + 1
elif middle_value == middle_idx and middle_idx == 0:
return middle_idx
elif middle_idx == middle_idx and array[middle_idx-1] < middle_idx-1:
return middle_idx
right_idx = middle_idx-1
return -1
print(index_equal_value([-5, -3, 0, 3, 4, 5, 9]))