def example():
i = 0
resultlist_key = []
result_list = list()
a_list = list()
b_list = list()
a_list.append(feature_matrix_ip)# feature_matrix_ip contains features of the query image
while i < 70:
b_list.append(feature_matrix_db[i])# feature_matrix_db contains features of img. in DB
dist = distance.euclidean(a_list,b_list[i])
resultlist_key = OrderedDict(sorted(enumerate(result_list),key=lambda x: x[0])).keys()
i = i + 1
res_lst_srt = {'values': result_list,'keys':resultlist_key}
res_lst_srt['values'], res_lst_srt['keys'] = zip(*sorted(zip(res_lst_srt['values'], res_lst_srt['keys'])))# sorting according to the least distance and the key will not change
key = res_lst_srt['keys']